
Polly Snell


Hey, my name's Polly and I'm the Editor at Massive Orange Book. I'm also a PR account manager, content creator, writer, artist on-the-side and part-time motivational speaker (at 1am when I've had a few wines, that is). Massive Orange Book or MOB for short, is my little digital baby child, so I'm really pleased you're here. I've worked in PR since I was 16, so about a decade now (yikes that's a bit grim lol) and I love every side of this industry. I studied my degree in Journalism and PR in Bristol, so have always enjoyed both sides of the story telling process. MOB is all about bridging the gap between talented creatives and the PR and media industry, to provide a platform to be seen, heard and discovered and connect people with paid work. There are interviews, lifestyle pieces, reviews and general industry goss, and I'm just genuinely giddy that I've finally found an outlet to bring it all together.

Phoebe Hares

Sustainability Contributor

Phoebe is the queen of environmental issues, sustainability and general GOOD STUFF. She has a Masters Degree in Psychology, is a UN Women UK Delegate and comes from a background in not-for-profits having worked as a Crisis Caseworker for The Australian Red Cross, so she really is the perfect person for the job. Phoebe loves to be at the forefront of important issues in the media, including charity initiatives, supporting women's initiatives and promoting diversity and inclusion. Her passion lies in creative intervention for social change, and is particularly interested in restorative justice strategies. When she's not being a boss-ass-bitch (so never, because always.) you will find her breathing deeply in a downward dog position, or perhaps an impressively composed handstand.

Liz Gadd

Non-Executive Director

Liz Gadd is the Non-Exec Director of Massive Orange Book. Liz is an experienced recruiter and proud co-founder of Moxie & Mettle, Bristol-based recruitment agency. With over 30 years experience placing PR and marketing professionals in London and the South West of England, Liz is assisting with recruitment and support for those engaging with MOB, developing opportunities and making connections for talented creatives.